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Shawn has been a resource for peace and strength unlike anything else I've ever experienced. Her acceptance and guidance have made it possible for me to quickly and gently move into healing and love instead of continuing in victim-centered painful experiences. There is so much value in the work and her support when one is ready!  I am so happy I was ready and that I was led back into her circle!




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Nature Centered Coaching


Shawn Richardson is a certified life coach equipped to support you on your journey home to who you really are.  Love.  Infinitely capable of experiencing the life you want to experience.  



The issue is not whether you are able to achieve the life you want to live, the issue is whether you are willing to be what you want to experience more of? Are you willing to give yourself the opportunity to know and be your authentic self? Are you willing to be vulnerable? Are you willing to be honest? Are you willing to liberate your dreams? Are you willing to build and execute a strategic plan to support success? Are you willing to identify and heal the limiting beliefs that prevent you from manifesting the experiences and goals you seek? Are you willing to awaken to the presence of love and deepen your connections? Are you willing to engineer a self-care program that supports you? Are you willing to show up in life? Are you willing to feel alive?   


If your answer is yes, allow Shawn to support you. You are invited to schedule a complimentary introductory phone meeting to explore what is possible for you. 


Who are you?

What else is possible?

What is wanting to emerge from you?

What is in the way of living the life you seek?

Is it time to revisit the path not taken?

How will you feel in a year if nothing has changed?


The distance between dreams and reality is action. Call and get started.  Why not?


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world."

                                               - Marianne Williamson


Contact Me to schedule an introductory call.

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