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She has been feeling it for a while now - the sense of awakening. There is a gentle rage simmering inside her, and it is getting stronger by the day. She will hold it close to her - she will nurture it and let it grow. She won’t let anyone take it away from her. It is her rocket fuel and finally, she is going places. She can feel it down to her very core - this is her time. She will not only climb mountains - she will move them too. 


-Lang Leav

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My life is as yours is – a journey.  Happy parts, disappointing parts, but all learning parts.  What I am aware of is that all of the disappointing parts happen FOR us, not to us. When we choose to live life from that perspective, and choose empowerment over victim identity, the disheartening parts of our lives can serve as doorways to more joy.


Some of the doors to deeper joy for me have been:


A painful divorce after a long marriage, which opened a spiritual exploration and opportunity to answer the big questions:  Who am I and why am I here?  What am I here to learn?  What am I here to heal? It also led to a deep understanding of the freedom, empowerment, and personal alignment I feel when I am living in my feminine energy, as opposed to the masculine energy that had been my norm.  Life is a little softer and, for me, that feels good.


Parenting a child with special needs which has given me the gift of knowing humanity in a deeper way.  Living my life through a spiritual lens has been transformational in my experience parenting my son.  I now know him as a highly evolved soul, much more evolved than I am.  He embodies compassion, acceptance, vulnerability and authenticity like no one else in my life.  In truth, he has become a role model for me in many ways.  A way shower. This is a radical change in our relationship. My views in this field are pioneering and have significntly changed the energy in our lives.  It’s the law of attraction: higher vibrational energy attracts like energy. And conversely, negative energy attracts like energy.


A childhood spent in fear of abuse which led to a compassionate awareness of how those fears continued to show up as blocks in my life.  I developed behavioral patterns as a child to protect myself, and those patterns were no longer serving me in my adult life. It is freeing to do the healing work, to lay down the old patterns and stories, and to rewrite newer more empowering ones.


Living with multiple sclerosis, an incurable, degenerative disease, which has given me the opportunity to define “health” for my own life.


Walking through these doorways in the courage of vulnerability has led to life changing shifts in perspective, experience, and happiness.  


Through it all, Mother Nature nurtures me.  My passion is mountain climbing.  It is where and how I nourish my soul.  

Enjoy the photo diary!

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